The Magna Carta: Coming to Canada in 2015

Magna_Carta_(1225_version_with_seal)The website for the Summer 2015 Canadian Magna Carta exhibition is now online. This touring exhibition will visit the Museum of Civilization in Ottawa, Fort York National Historic Site in Toronto, the Legislative Assembly of Alberta Visitor Centre in Edmonton and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg. I have had the pleasure of contributing a number of articles to this project. Click here to read my article about the history of King John and the Magna Carta

In the next week, my articles about The World in 2015 and King John in Popular Culture will also be published on the Magna Carta 2015 website. Keep checking for updates!

2 thoughts on “The Magna Carta: Coming to Canada in 2015

  1. How do you acquire tickets to see the Magna Carta when it visits
    Fort York in Toronto next summer? What are the dates it will be here?

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