CBC News Interview: ‘Very modern’ royals Frederik and Mary come to Danish throne after surprise abdication

I discussed the new King Frederick and Queen Mary of Denmark with Janet Davison at CBC News

Click here to read “‘Very modern’ royals Frederik and Mary come to Danish throne after surprise abdication” in the CBC News Royal Fascinator Newsletter

New Toronto Star Interview: Meet the new royal power couple: the soon-to-be King Frederik and Queen Mary of Denmark

In my first royal history interview of 2024, I discussed the abdication of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, the accession of King Frederik X and the experiences of reigning queens in the 20th and 21st centuries including Queen Margrethe of Denmark, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth.

Click here to read “Meet the new royal power couple: the soon-to-be King Frederik and Queen Mary of Denmark” by Shinan Govani in the Toronto Star

University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies Lecture: Royalty and Popular Culture: Fact, Fiction and the Crown

I will be delivering a lecture on Royalty and Popular Culture: Fact, Fiction and the Crown, examining portrayals of the monarchy in historical films, plays and novels as part of the University Lecture series at the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies. I will be speaking in Oakville on October 2, Markham on October 5 and Toronto on November 3.

Click here for more information about the University Lecture Series in Oakville, Markham and Toronto in Fall 2023

New Book: Tudor and Stuart Consorts: Power, Influence, and Dynasty

Tudor and Stuart Consorts: Power, Influence, and Dynasty edited by Aidan Norrie, Carolyn Harris, J.L. Laynesmith, Danna R. Messer and Elena Woodacre is now available from Palgrave Macmillan.

This book examines the lives and tenures of all the consorts of the Tudor and Stuart monarchs of England between 1485 and 1714, as well as the wives of the two Lords Protector during the Commonwealth. The figures in Tudor and Stuart Consorts are both incredibly familiar—especially the six wives of Henry VIII—and exceedingly unfamiliar, such as George of Denmark, the husband of Queen Anne. These innovative and authoritative biographies recognise the important role consorts played in a period before constitutional monarchy: in addition to correcting popular assumptions that are based on limited historical evidence, the chapters provide a fuller picture of the role of consort that goes beyond discussions of exceptionalism and subversion. This volume and its companions reveal the changing nature of English consortship from the Norman Conquest to today.

Click here to purchase Tudor and Stuart Consorts: Power, Influence, and Dynasty

University College London Political Science Events Podcast: The Platinum Jubilee and the Future of the Monarchy


This year is the 70th anniversary of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, who has reigned longer than any previous British monarch.


In addition to celebrating her Jubilee, thought is turning to the future of the monarchy, and what changes might be expected after she is gone. Dr Bob Morris (expert on church and state at the Constitution Unit, UCL) will talk about the next Accession and Coronation; Dr Craig Prescott (constitutional lawyer at Bangor University) will explain the need to update the Regency Acts; Dr Carolyn Harris (royal historian at the University of Toronto) will discuss previous jubilees, the role of Consorts, and the upbringing of future monarchs; and Prof Helle Krunke (Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Copenhagen) will talk about the Golden Jubilee of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, also being celebrated this year, and the differences between the British and European monarchies.

Click here to listen to The Platinum Jubilee and the Future of the Monarchy

New Online Courses at the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies

I will be teaching two online courses at the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies in the Fall of 2021: The Nordic Nations: From Vikings to Modernity on Tuesday afternoons and The Romanovs and the Russian Revolution on Thursday afternoons.

3595-002 The Nordic Nations: From Vikings to Modernity (Click here for more information and to register)

About this course: The Nordic nations – Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Norway – are consistently among the top 15 countries in the United Nations Human Development Index. Their societies and culture are admired around the world. But prior to this success is a long, turbulent history. Learn about the history of the Nordic nations, including Vikings, warrior monarchs, the Second World War and immigration to North America. We’ll explore how the countries of northern Europe emerged from poverty and political upheaval to become some of the most successful countries of the 21st century.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Explore the cultural influence of the Nordic countries around the world.
  • Learn about the unique histories of the Nordic nations.
  • Discuss how successful societies can emerge from a difficult past.

Course Details: October 5, 2021 – November 23, 2021 Online with Real Time Meetings on Tuesdays, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (Click here for more information and to register)

3467-003 The Romanovs and the Russian Revolution (Click here for more information and to register)

About this Course: The consequences of the Russian Revolution continue to influence Russia’s politics and society, and indeed the whole world’s. In 2017, Russia quietly marked the 100th anniversary of the turning points: the abdication of Czar Nicholas II and Lenin’s seizure of power for the Bolshevik party.  Follow the quick succession of crises: the collapse of the Romanov dynasty, the end of Russia’s participation in the First World War, the emergence of the Provisional Government, and the fateful rise of Lenin and the Soviet Union.

What You’ll Learn:

  •        Explore the vanished world of the Romanov dynasty, which ruled Russia for 300 years.
  •        Learn about the swift events in Russia in 1917.
  •        Discuss the key figures and moments in the Russian Revolutions.
  •        Explore how the Russian Revolutions were perceived around the world.
  •        Analyze the impact of the Russian Revolutions on the modern world

Course Details: October 7, 2021 – November 25, 2021 Online with Real Time Meetings Thursdays, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (Click here for more information and to register)

New Canadian Encyclopedia Article: Grand Duchess Olga

My latest article in the Historica Canada Canadian Encyclopedia is about Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna (1882-1960), watercolour artist, farmer and sister of the last Czar of Russia, Nicholas II. Grand Duchess Olga and her family fled to Denmark following the Russian Revolutions of 1917 and then to Canada after the Second World War. Hundreds of thousands of Russians immigrated to Canada in the first half of the 20th century. They included industrial and agricultural workers and members of the former Russian aristocracy.

Click here to read my article about Grand Duchess Olga in the Canadian Encyclopedia

The Nordic Nations: From Vikings to Modernity – My Fall 2019 course at the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies

In October-November, 2019, I will be teaching a new course at the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies – The Nordic Nations: From Vikings to Modernity. The course will take place on Wednesday afternoons from 2-4pm. Click here for more information and to register!


The Nordic nations – Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Norway – are consistently among the top 15 countries in the United Nations Human Development Index. Their societies and culture are admired around the world. But prior to this success is a long, turbulent history. Learn about the history of the Nordic nations, including Vikings, warrior monarchs, the Second World War and immigration to North America. We’ll explore how the countries of northern Europe emerged from poverty and political upheaval to become some of the most successful countries of the 21st century.


  • Explore the cultural influence of the Nordic countries around the world.
  • Learn about the unique histories of the Nordic nations.
  • Discuss how successful societies can emerge from a difficult past.

Click here for more information and to register!

CBC News Interview: Why This Crown Prince Came to Canada

I was interviewed by Janet Davison at CBC News for this week’s The Royal Fascinator newsletter. The newsletter discusses Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark’s visit to Canada and the interest in the Duke and Duchess of Sussex becoming parents this Spring. The royal baby will be seventh in line to the throne and I discussed how press attention toward junior members of the royal family changes over time.

Click here to read “Why this crown prince came to Canada” in The CBC Royal Fascinator newsletter