Global News Interview: The Ways the Royal Family Has Changed in the Last 100 Years

I discussed changing royal traditions with Olivia Bowden at Global News.

Here’s an excerpt from the interview:

“In the last few decades, members of the British Royal Family have phased out some customs and traditions that no longer meshed with the image the family wants to portray, or simply wouldn’t be seen as acceptable anymore, said Carolyn Harris, a royal historian and author based in Toronto. 

Social and political factors that have shifted the world since Queen Elizabeth II took the throne have also changed the practices the family engages with, said Harris.

“The Queen’s reigned over a period of tremendous political, social and cultural change, and that has an impact on her family,” she said.”

Click here to read “Ditching Traditions: The Ways the Royal Family Has Changed in the Last 100 Years” at Global News

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