Associated Press Interview: Diana? Alice? Elizabeth? Britons bet on new royal baby name

I discussed potential names for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s baby with Sylvia Hui at the Associated Press. For a baby girl, possibilities include Diana, the name of Prince Harry’s late mother, Elizabeth, the name of Harry’s grandmother the Queen, and Alice, which was the name of Harry’s great-grandmother, Prince Philip’s mother Princess Alice of Battenberg.

Other possible names include Ruth, a name of great-grandmothers of both Harry and Meghan, and Eleanor, the name of a series of 12th and 13th century English queens including the famous Eleanor of Aquitaine as well as American First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.

Click here to read “Diana? Alice? Elizabeth? Britons bet on new royal baby name” at the Associated Press

For subscribers to The Washington Post, the article is also available on The Washington Post website

For more about the history of royal baby names, see my book Raising Royalty: 1000 Years of Royal Parenting

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