CBC News Interview: Amid frenzied speculation about the Princess of Wales, how much privacy can a royal expect?

I discussed recent royal news with Janet Davison for the CBC News Royal Fascinator newsletter including the health of King Charles III and the Princess of Wales, and the memorial service for King Constantine II of Greece.

Click here to read “Amid frenzied speculation about the Princess of Wales, how much privacy can a royal expect?” in the CBC Royal Fascinator Newsletter.

Global National News Interview: How King Charles’ Cancer Diagnosis Affects the Royal Family

I discussed King Charles III’s recent cancer diagnosis with Redmond Shannon at Global National News, including the potential for the 2024 Commonwealth tour schedule to change in the coming months.

Click here to watch How King Charles’ Cancer Diagnosis Affects the Royal Family on Global National News

CBC Radio Ottawa Morning Interview: What we know about King Charlesā€™ cancer diagnosis

I discussed King Charles III’s recent cancer diagnosis and the 72th anniversary of the death of King Charles III’s grandfather, King George VI, with Hallie Cotnam on CBC Ottawa Morning.

Click here to listen to “What we know about King Charlesā€™ cancer diagnosis” at CBC Ottawa Morning

CBC News Interview: What happens when a monarch falls ill? The plan for royal health issues explained

I discussed King Charles III’s recent cancer diagnosis and the impact of the King’s health on the monarchy in an interview with Janet Davison at CBC News

Click here to read “What happens when a monarch falls ill? The plan for royal health issues explained” by Janet Davison and Rhianna Schmunk at CBC News

CBC News Interview: ‘Very modern’ royals Frederik and Mary come to Danish throne after surprise abdication

I discussed the new King Frederick and Queen Mary of Denmark with Janet Davison at CBC News

Click here to read “‘Very modern’ royals Frederik and Mary come to Danish throne after surprise abdication” in the CBC News Royal Fascinator Newsletter

CBC News Interview: The royal year: A quest to balance change and continuity after King Charles’s coronation

I discussed the highs and lows of the 2023 royal year and the major themes so far in the reign of King Charles III in a year end conversation with Janet Davison of CBC News.

Click here to read “The royal year: A quest to balance change and continuity after King Charles’s coronation” in the CBC News Royal Fascinator Newsletter

January-March 2024 Online Course for Seniors: Royal Parenting from Medieval Times to Modern Times

I will be offering an online course for seniors about Royal Parenting from Medieval Times to Modern Times for Etobicoke Learning Unlimited in January-March 2024.

Click here for more information and to register.

For more about the history of Royal Parenting, read my book, Raising Royalty: 1000 Years of Royal Parenting (Dundurn Press: 2017)