New Reader’s Digest Article: What Are the Plans for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in Canada?

In my latest article for Reader’s Digest Canada, I discuss the history of royal jubilee traditions in the reign of King George III, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II and the current plans for jubilee celebrations in Canada in the spring and summer of 2022.

Click here to read “What are the plans for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in Canada” in Reader’s Digest Canada

Royal Studies Podcast: Royal Jubilees

In the first episode of the 2022 Royal Studies Podcast, I discussed the history of royal jubilees with Dr. Elena Woodacre, editor-in-chief of The Royal Studies Journal, including the Golden Jubilee of King George III in 1809-1810, the Golden and Diamond Jubilees of Queen Victoria in 1887 and 1897 and the Silver, Golden, Diamond and Platinum Jubilees of Queen Elizabeth II in 1977, 2002, 2012 and 2022.

Click here to listen to the Royal Jubilees episode of The Royal Studies Podcast

New Canadian Encyclopedia Article: 10 Places in Canada Named After Royalty

My new article in the Canadian Encyclopedia is about 10 of the many places in Canada named after royalty. Click here to read 10 Places in Canada Named After Royalty in the Canadian Encyclopedia.

Winter 2022 Online Course: Behind the Crown: The Monarchy from Victoria to Queen Elizabeth II

My new eight week online course at the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies starts Wednesday January 12, 2022. Click here for more information and to register.


The year 2022 marks Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee, the 70th anniversary of her accession to the throne. It’s an opportunity to look back on the social, political and cultural changes during her long reign.  The personal lives of royalty are a popular subject for fiction in novels, films and TV series but the real history is more interesting. Each generation of royalty must respond to the challenges of their times to keep the monarchy relevant and engaged with public opinion. Join Carolyn Harris, historian, commentator and author of Raising Royalty: 1000 Years of Royal Parenting for a lively discussion of the history, politics and cultural significance of the monarchy in the UK and Canada.

Click here for more information and to register.  

New Reader’s Digest Article: The 10 Most Controversial Royal Memoirs Ever Published

Prince Harry won’t be the first royal family member to rock the boat with a tell-all autobiography. Here are 10 royal memoirs that changed the way we think about these famous families—and history itself.

Click here to read The 10 Most Controversial Royal Memoirs Ever Published in Reader’s Digest

CBC News Interview: What’s in a royal baby name?

I discussed the arrival of Lilibet Diana, daughter of Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the history of royal baby names with Janet Davison at CBC News.

Click here to read “What’s in a royal baby name?” at CBC News

For more about the history of royal parenting, see my book, Raising Royalty: 1000 Years of Royal Parenting

New BBC History Magazine Article: From balls to Bridgerton: a brief history of debutantes and the social season

My new feature article in History Extra, the online BBC History Magazine is about the history of debutantes and social season from the first Queen Charlotte’s Ball in 1780 to the last presentation of debutantes to the royal family in 1958. In addition to the fashions, parties and traditions of the social season in the United Kingdom, I also discuss debutante traditions in Canada, the United States and Australia.

Click here to read “From balls to Bridgerton: a brief history of debutantes and the social season” at History Extra

New BBC History Magazine Article: Princess Feodora: the little-known sister of Queen Victoria

My new article in the BBC History Magazine (History Extra) is about Princess Feodora, the little known half sister of Queen Victoria. The two sisters had a warm relationship and corresponded with one another for decades. Princess Feodora was a valuable source of advice and support for Queen Victoria and they discussed a wide variety of topics in their letters including European politics, their favourite books, marriage and motherhood.

Click here to read Princess Feodora: the little-known sister of Queen Victoria in the BBC History Magazine

CBC News Interview: Why the Queen herself has twice delivered Canada’s speech from the throne

In an interview with Janet Davison in this week’s CBC News The Royal Fascinator newsletter, I discussed the two times that Queen Elizabeth II delivered the throne speech in Canada as well as the friendships and rivalries between royal brothers from Queen Victoria’s reign to today.

Click here to read “Why the Queen herself has twice delivered Canada’s speech from the throne” and “Royal brothers don’t always get along” at CBC News.